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Dr. Abigail Livny, PhD.
Principal Investigator

I am a neuropsychologist and a neuroscientist, Director of the C.BIRD Center, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer.

During my training as a neuropsychologist I became interested in brain pathologies, in particular in the way the brain reorganizes due to acute and chronic neuro-pathologies and how such reorganization in both brain structure and function corresponds with cognitive outcome. My interest in the understanding of brain functioning and in advanced brain imaging techniques led me to acquiring new skills in MR imaging in the context of brain disorders. My research focuses on the function and dysfunction of neuronal networks responsible for higher cognition, in neuropathologies. The aim of my studies is to deepen the understanding of cognitive impairment and neuronal reorganization in brain disorders. My research aims to improve diagnosis, prediction of prognosis, and personalize treatment in such clinical populations.



Yarden Oliel

MA Student

Leeron Rabinov

MA Student

Mayan Sapir

Research Assistant

Sarel Shlomo

Research Assistant

MA Student

Niv Tik

MA Student

Nitzan Meizles

MA Student

Michal Ben-Gama

BA Student

Raffaella Bodini

MA Student

Liat Ben-Ami

MA Student

Aleeza Shumacher

BA Student

Yarden Oliel

MA Student

Inbar Meningher

Research Assistant

Nofar Itzhak

Research Assistant

Grisha Berlnerblau

AI Programmer


Shavit Zamir

AI Programmer


MA Student

Chen Shlush

Research assistant



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