Structural\volumetric analysis\ Voxel Based Morphometry (VBM) – The procedure is used to analyze T1 weighted anatomical images. This procedure that allows investigation of focal differences in brain anatomy by calculating volume of the different brain tissues-grey matter, white matter & cerebrospinal fluid.
Structural connectivity –using DTI inferences of the integrity and orientation of fiber tracts on the basis of patterns of water diffusion. Tractography ,Fractional Anisotropy and Mean Diffusivity maps are extracted.
fMRI brain activation maps – fMRI is a technique for measuring and mapping brain activity that is noninvasive and safe. Using a variety of paradigms we are able to map brain functions such as sensory, motor, language, vision, memory, working memory and executive functions.
Resting-state Functional Connectivity – Resting-state networks are composed of brain regions characterized by highly correlated coherent neuronal oscillations at a low-frequency (0.1 Hz) BOLD time points, which are believed to represent the maintenance of baseline human cognitive, sensory and metabolic equilibrium, in the absence of any external stimuli. Research using resting state functional connectivity (RsFC) scanning reaveled that changes in resting state brain network connectivity could be a pathophysiological mechanism in various psychiatric, developmental and neurodegenerative diseases.
Task Functional Connectivity – Functional connectivity illustrates the statistical dependency between different brain regions and results in functional connectivity matrices. This analysis focuses on patterns related to specific experimental manipulations.
White Matter Hyper-intensities quantification\ Lesion Segmentation Tool (LST) – Enables segmentation of T2 hyperintense lesions in FLAIR images. Especially useful in cases of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and multiple sclerosis.
Arterial Spin Labelling (ASL) Quantification – Enables measuring cerebral blood flow and can be used as a cerebral ischemia measure (no contrast agent administration required). In ASL two types of images are acquired and subtracted from one another to produce a perfusion image. The image reflects the amount of arterial blood delivered to each voxel within the slice we choose within the transit time.
Voxel-based Lesion Symptom Mapping (VLSM) – Based on MRI and CT scans, enables to infer the function of a brain area by observing the behavioral outcome of damage to that area. Requires delineation of brain lesions, and identifying the difference in voxel intensity in combination with behavioral data.
Graph-Theory Analysis – Graph-theory is a mathematical framework, which allows to characterize the brain from a network perspective, known as connectomics.
Prisma Simenes 3T MRI system
Equipped with an 64-channel head coil
Ingenia Philips 3T MRI system
Equipped with a 16-channel and 32-channel head coil​
Both MRI systems are equipped with the facilities needed for fMRI studies:
LCD Screen​
Auditory Stimulation
Response Devices
MR compatible EEG
Enables acquisition of MRI and EEG data simultaneously
Allows us to find direct correlation between post-synaptic potentials in the cerebral cortex, detected by EEG, and hemodynamic changes throughout the brain, detected by MRI